Monday, 20 June 2016

My First month in Zhuhai

Zhuhai is a very beautiful city, and despite the fact that in China is always trying to save space there are several huge parks, where you can stay all day thanks to a well-maintained infrastructure.
Seafront park
The city is very comfortable for life it is have many attractions, shops and small Chinese cafes at every step, here you will never be hungry.The number of dishes in Chinese cuisine is enormous, you can try every day something new, but it is important to clarify is it spicy or not, if you cannot stand spicy food. Due to the favorable locaton of the city there is a lot of seafood. You could also buy it on the huge seafood market and cook by yourself. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of seafood.
Fisher girl
Necessarily places to visit in Zhuhai are Fisher Girl, the seafront and The New Yuan Ming Palace. 
Zhuhai Waterfalls
But I would also advise to visit The Three Waterfalls that are located in a quiet location close to the Huafa district. Despite the fact that we have spent a lot of time trying to find this place, we were not disappointed because of these great views.
Zhuhai Waterfalls
The work at the ODM Group is incredibly interesting. When you need work in an international company using non-native language you do not have any time to relax. In addition, I have never wrote blogs, and especially blogs about promotional products, so from the beginning it was all new for me.

A new country, new culture and way of life is so exciting, that I don’t even have time to be bored. Therefore, the first month passed quickly. I can say with confidence that this specific experience you can get only in China.

My Remote Internship Experience: At the Midpoint

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